An Overview of Filing a Claim for Personal Injury after a Car Accident

The forces involved in a car accident are often massive. People have often assumed that since they aren’t injured, then there is no case – wrong. Our vital organs are encaged behind muscle and bone – what is inside is soft and prone to injury.
Some unseen injuries after a car accident can be fatal, while others can be very painful. Neck and back injuries can be life-changing, even though they don’t provide any outward indications.
When you are involved in an accident, you need to hold the person responsible at fault. The state of Atlanta protects you against such incidences, which is why it requires you to undertake a process to make sure the guilty party is brought to book. This process is more straightforward when working with a skilled Atlanta personal injury lawyer.
Let us look at the process.
Seek Medical Help
When it comes to accidents, the priority is your life and well-being. You need to be in your right mind to handle the pressures that come with a lawsuit. You also need to have your injuries documented to understand the extent of the injury. Don’t go home and wait till you become worse, then call the doctor. Seek medical attention immediately from a certified doctor.
Contact a Qualified Atlanta Personal Injury Lawyer
As said earlier, the state protects you against errant drivers on our roads. When picking a lawyer, make sure he is certified to work in Atlanta, has all the legal qualifications, and has handled similar cases in the state. Look at his success rate because you know the insurance company will most definitely put up a strong defense.
You have to meet the attorney face to face to go through the case together. The role of this meeting is to determine if the case is feasible or not, and if yes, then to chart the way forward depending on the information at hand.
Start the Lawsuit
The lawyer files legal papers in court and helps you understand the various papers needed for the case. The main document filed in the lawsuit is the petition or complaint. It identifies the two parties (or more) involved, your legal claims, and the facts that give rise to the claims. This document also has a section that sets forth what you expect from the defendant, for instance, the amount of compensation.
Find out more about the Case
Also called the discovery phase, this is the stage where the lawyers on both sides seek information regarding the case to come up with facts to use in court. At this stage, you are expected to disclose all relevant facts and documents to the defense before the trial. A seasoned Atlanta personal injury lawyer knows what information to look for and what to give in return.
Try to Settle the Case before it Goes to Trial
The judge tries to resolve the matter before it goes to trial. In this case, he can decide to dismiss the case. The motion to dismiss can also happen before the fact-finding stage.
At times, the lawsuit can be settled before it gets to trial. This is usually a win-win situation for both parties because, on the one hand, it reduces the time you spend on the case, and it also allows the defendant to pay less as compensation.
Go to Trial
Here, you go before a judge and jury and argue out your case, which your lawyer typically does. Witnesses will be called to the stand, and the final verdict will be made after listening to both sides.
Collect Compensation after the Trial
Getting the awarded money is not as easy as it seems. You might have to wait several months for the funds to be processed.
In Closing
As you can see, all these stages require a competent Atlanta personal injury lawyer to be present. Don’t hesitate to call us when you need to file a personal injury claim.

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